Attraction Marketing

How to Attract Customers for Free With Attraction 

Are you tired of chasing prospects who are not even interested in what you have to offer? There's a solution, Attraction Marketing! So what is attraction marketing?
There is a lot of talk about it in the last couple of years, especially in the world of internet network marketing. Attraction marketing is all about how much value you can offer to people and to your prospects in order to help solve their problems.
If you yourself are that solution and can offer a solution in terms of a product or business partnership you have a very high perceived value in their eyes, and this is what will set you apart from the masses and thus make you attractive to your prospects eyes...

What is Attraction Marketing? Attraction Marketing is about captivating your target market to want to do business with you because of who you are. The concept behind this is simple: Attraction Marketing Before “pitching” your product or service, you must brand and promote… YOU. When done properly, your prospects will approach you willingly without having to “sell” to them. No pressure… no stress… instead, the process flows naturally. You may be aware of “Attraction Marketing” being used by many successful multi-level marketers… however, let it be known that this concept is not used only by the MLM industry. It’s an incredibly powerful method utilized by home-based entrepreneurs like myself. Show people who you are… what you do… how you’ve built & continued to maintain your lifestyle… and help those who want the same, do the same.

Read more at: (Twitter: @CarmenSakurai)
What is Attraction Marketing? Attraction Marketing is about captivating your target market to want to do business with you because of who you are. The concept behind this is simple: Attraction Marketing Before “pitching” your product or service, you must brand and promote… YOU. When done properly, your prospects will approach you willingly without having to “sell” to them. No pressure… no stress… instead, the process flows naturally. You may be aware of “Attraction Marketing” being used by many successful multi-level marketers… however, let it be known that this concept is not used only by the MLM industry. It’s an incredibly powerful method utilized by home-based entrepreneurs like myself. Show people who you are… what you do… how you’ve built & continued to maintain your lifestyle… and help those who want the same, do the same.

Read more at: (Twitter: @CarmenSakurai)

5 Tips Attraction Marketing

1.Become a Trusted Ad-visor: 
 Attraction Marketing works, because you are starting with the customers' needs in mind. But beyond that, you aren't only thinking of their problems, but use problem solving, Posing, strategies, and answering their problem questions before they even know you, or choose to do business with you. You're giving solutions to their issues.

2.Start teaching: 
 Teaching establishes you as an expert in your niche. It demonstrates your credentials, without you having to flaunt them which no one likes, anyway. And it helps you build Trust and relationships with the exact people that need your help. You already have valuable information to share. Don't get hung up on "giving it away for free". Consider it an investment for the common good. And, an investment in your business as well. Newbies, especially when it comes to advertising on the web, need help understanding the fundamentals. Work with them. You will have no regrets. 


3.Answer questions online: 
Today, people are asking most of their questions on the Internet. So if you're in the business of answering questions, you should be doing it where the questions are being asked.

4.Create one-to-many forms of content: 
The Internet enables this as well. Imagine having valuable information to impart, and giving a presentation in your living room. Then imagine a bigger forum, like a hotel ballroom, or school cafeteria. Then imagine a football stadium. These all pale compared to the worldwide scale of the Internet. So have something of value to say, say it once, and say it in the right places on the Internet. YouTube videos are a great way to do that, as are articles that will be found by search engines. Combining this approach with the 1 to 1 answers in the previous step, will establish your credibility, and make sure the maximum number of people are exposed to your expertise.   

5.Set it and forget it (Leverage):
 Because you're creating content on the Internet, which will probably outlive all of us. You can create valuable content once, on a particular topic, and not have to create it again! Unlike a face-to-face presentation which would have to be re-delivered each time, your education has been recorded, and can be reapplied. It frees up your time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. 

6.Provide less data, but more insight. 
It's important to remember that people don't need more information. We're all inundated with information. What they need is an easy-to-understand break down of the information already available. Demonstrating the big picture of the information. Or demonstrating the step-by-step approach the information are too incredibly valuable to the people out there.

7.Create more advanced levels of content:
As you embark on this adventure of becoming an attraction marketer, and give up the addiction to traditional advertising. You'll want to consistently create more advanced levels of content. This gives you an ongoing conversation with your prospects and customers. For example: YouTube video, blog posting, articles and eBook webinar. The idea is not to guide people to step one, and then dump them. But to show them how to do step one... when they need that information. And then to show them how to do step two, at the appropriate time. And so on.